Integrate the Widget
Create your Token List

Create your Custom Token list

As you saw in the Integration Section, you can use Superfluid's Token List package to get the list of tokens supported by Superfluid. However, you can also create your own token list and inject it into the widget. This is useful if you want to create a custom token list for your own application. Your token list should be a JSON file following a structure like so:

  "name": "Superfluid Token List",
  "version": {
    "major": 2,
    "minor": 3,
    "patch": 0
  "timestamp": "2023-10-20T08:18:44.184Z",
  "tokens": [
      "address": "0x288398f314d472b82c44855f3f6ff20b633c2a97",
      "name": "Super USD Coin",
      "symbol": "USDCx",
      "decimals": 18,
      "chainId": 43114,
      "extensions": {
        "superTokenInfo": {
          "type": "Wrapper",
          "underlyingTokenAddress": "0xb97ef9ef8734c71904d8002f8b6bc66dd9c48a6e"
      "logoURI": "",
      "tags": ["supertoken", "tier_a"]
      "address": "0xb97ef9ef8734c71904d8002f8b6bc66dd9c48a6e",
      "name": "USD Coin",
      "symbol": "USDC",
      "decimals": 6,
      "chainId": 43114,
      "logoURI": "",
      "tags": ["underlying"]
// The rest of the token list

The tokens array should contain all the tokens you want to support in your application. Once your token list is ready, you can inject it into the widget by passing it as a prop tokenList to the SuperfluidWidget component. For further instructions, check Integration Section.