
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What Is Superfluid?

Superfluid is an asset streaming protocol designed for crypto-native businesses and DAOs worldwide, facilitating subscriptions, salaries, vesting, and rewards. It employs the Super Token, an enhanced version of the ERC20 standard, to execute novel ways of value movements automatically, representing real-time cash flows without gas consumption. The Super Token has two distinctive Super Agreements: the Constant Flow Agreement for continuous token flow between accounts without capital lockup, and the Instant Distribution Agreement for proportion-based token distribution to multiple accounts. As an extended form of ERC20, Super Tokens maintain inherent composability, allowing for versatile financial interactions like staking an NFT to receive a direct Super Token stream.

What Are Super Tokens?

Super Tokens enhance the traditional ERC20 token by integrating Superfluid's real-time value transfer capabilities. While ERC20 tokens operate on static lump-sum transfers, Super Tokens, an extension of the ERC20 standard, incorporate features known as Super Agreements, allowing for continuous money streams and instantaneous distributions. There are two types of Super Tokens: wrapper and pure. Wrapper Super Tokens are existing tokens transformed to include Super Agreement features, where one wraps their standard token into its Super Token counterpart or unwraps it to revert back. Pure Super Tokens, on the other hand, are designed as Super Tokens from inception, inherently boasting both ERC20 and Super Agreement functions, eliminating the need for wrapping. An account's Super Token balance combines its static balance, akin to ERC20, and real-time balances influenced by each Super Agreement, thus providing a holistic view of an account's funds.

What Is Money Streaming?

Superfluid offers a system for continuous token streaming between wallets. This streaming starts instantly, runs without a predetermined end, and operates at a consistent flow rate, all without incurring gas fees. Unlike traditional transfers, funds aren't locked, but if a wallet's balance hits zero, its streams stop. Users must "upgrade" standard ERC20 tokens to utilize Superfluid, similar to converting ETH to wETH. Using the Superfluid Dashboard and an Ethereum wallet on the Goerli Test Network, users can set up streams effortlessly.

Learn more about Superfluid